Reunions: Year of 1951, Form 5D

Year of 1951, Form 5D (2)

Ray Mahoney, Stuart Winks, Tom Morris, Hywel Lewis, Mervyn Davies, Tony Walters, Brian Williams, Jeff Uren, Colin Wood and David Charles and the original Form 5D photograph. Photograph by Royston Kneath

After over twelve months of planning by Brian Williams and Tony Walters, the Reunion of the Year of ’51 Form 5D took place at the Marriott Hotel on September 27th, 2008. The fact that Brian and Tony live in Aberdeen and Vancouver makes the accomplishment all the more remarkable. Of the original 29 members of the 1956 Form ten were able to assemble to celebrate the nostalgic event in the company of their wives.

Earlier they had visited the old School for a conducted tour of the new Dynevor Centre for Art, Design and Media Faculties of the Swansea Metropolitan University in the company of the Assistant Dean, Stephen White and our past President Noel Blows.

During the evening a Photo Story display of ‘Kevin’s Candid Camera’ 1964 and 1966 was presented by Dave Tovey to fuel memories of the pupil and master personalities from over 50 years earlier. Noel Blow’s collection of Adrian Davies’ excellent caricatures of the 1956 school staff were displayed on the walls of the room for further comments.

The Webmaster is grateful for Royston Kneath’s photographic record of the evening and these images can now be accessed below. The webmaster is grateful once again to Royston Kneath of City Photographic who photographed the members and their guests at the start of the evening.

The 1951 page holds eleven photographs relating to the ‘Class of ’51’ but the Webmaster is always seeking more. Please search out your drawers and attics to help him.

The Evening Post Article

50 Year Reunion – Old Dyvorians Form 5D – 1956

Year of 1951, Form 5D (1)

Brian Williams and Tony Walters currently living in Scotland and Vancouver respectively, would love to celebrate the 50th anniversary of us leaving our old great school of Dynevor in 1958. We are planning a major get-together of our old school pals from the 1956 ‘O-Level’ Form 5D.

We have identified all of our old friends in the photograph but have lost touch with the majority.  We are hoping that many of those in the picture or their friends/family are reading this article and will contact us as soon as possible at the following e-mail addresses: ;
or call Brian at 01569 750455

An ‘Event Extravaganza’ has been provisionally planned for the weekend of 26th – 28th September 2008, in the Marriott Hotel, Swansea.  Overnight accommodation is available and a celebratory reunion dinner has been booked. In addition, this memorable event will include:

  • Welsh cuisine and drinks
  • Local trips around Swansea Bay and Gower
  • A brochure of old photos
  • A unique collectors item ’1956 5D T-Shirt’
  • Speeches, cabaret and ‘special guests’
  • A visit and tour of the old school and the posting of a celebratory plaque.