Past pupils of the Year of ’58 organised a reunion at the Marriott Hotel on Friday 7th October 2011. Their original invite (see below) resulted in an attendance of sixty-three members of the Class of ’58, eight Old Dy’vorians and five former masters.
This figure exceeds the previous records of the Classes of ’41 and ’59 (43 and 42 respectively) recorded on this website.
During the evening Dave Tovey’s PhotoStory3 display of the original Form and Staff photographs fueled nostalgic memories while Noel Blows’ collection of Adrian Davies’ excellent caricatures of the former school’s staff provoked further comments.
Rob Mitchell’s excellent photographic record of the evening can be viewed and purchased from his website Click on the ‘Client Images’ link, then click on and follow the instructions on the next 2 pages. Use the password classof58 on the last page to access the collection of 66 images. Prints of various sizes and prices are available and payment is made online.
Reunion Invitation
Dear Old Dy’vorian
Dynevor’s Year of 1958 – an exceptionally fine vintage – will be holding a reunion buffet dinner on the evening of Friday 7th October in the Marriott Hotel, Swansea Marina. The organisers have made good progress in locating members of our year group who started in September 1958 in the first forms, or transferred from Swansea Technical School in September 1960 into form 3N.
We will also be welcoming up to ten members of staff of that period. We are expecting an excellent turn-out, including a number of our brethren from distant shores, and we are still actively seeking the last 30 of the 170 who spent at least part of their school lives as Fifty-Eighters.
The cost of the buffet will be £16-50 including room hire, excluding drinks. A programme of events including a golf competition, a tour around the Dynevor site, and a curry evening are also planned for 7th and 8th October. For further information, please contact – Roger Williams on 01625 526380 or Wynne Lewis on 01217 443787.
We very much hope that you can come along and be part of this unique gathering. If you are able to come, please help us to expedite arrangements for the evening by replying as soon as possible.